New smartphone app promotes voyeurism
“Color” is a location-based, photo-sharing app that takes voyeurism to post-Twitter level by letting users see all of the photos that are being taken by strangers who happen to be within a 150-foot radius of the user’s smartphone.
Software aims to block texting while driving
Technology is emerging that could solve a growing menace on the nation’s highways: texting while driving.
Compare the Nexus One vs. Palm Pre vs iPhone including cost to own
Now that Google’s Nexus One phone has been revealed, the question everyone is asking is how does it compare to the other current top smartphones on the market, most notably, iPhone and Motorola Droid? Moreover, is it worth switching to Nexus One from your current device?
BlackBerry Vs. iPhone Experience
Having been a BlackBerry user for a number of years, and then trying out the iPhone,