E. Isis Adewale is On The Move
My Name is… Eniafe Isis Adewale You are reading about me because… because our stories, often ordinary in our eyes, may be extraordinary inspirations to someone else. This is some of my story.
Price of African American art work growing dramatically
Thom Pegg predicts that Black Art’s value will increase from an investment standpoint. There’s some history there and a heritage there. It just wasn’t really well known.
Al Sharpton seeks support for Black culture and art district in Baltimore
The Rev. Al Sharpton dropped by Baltimore on Monday to seek support for a fledgling plan to create a new arts district in the city to honor African-American cultural achievements
The WWAF Presents: Sketch, Paint or Draw…Blood (An Art Battle)
The WWAF (World Wide Arts Federation) Presents: Paint, Sketch or Draw…Blood 2nd Annual Art Battle at the Stuart McClean Art Gallery in Atlanta, GA.
The ALT: Have you seen this before?
Graphically violent and delicious. Do you know who this artist is?
Carroll Harris Simms, TSU professor and sculptor, dies at 85
Carroll Harris Simms, an artist, author, professor and key figure in shaping Texas Southern University’s art department, died Monday after a long illness. He was 85.
Pencil Art – Young Black and Talented
Pencil Portrait Artist “R.I.P. Jerry LaVigne Jr”