Archaeologists unearthed new details about the lives and cultures of slaves
In a greenhouse on a centuries-old estate where Frederick Douglass lived as a young boy, archaeologists have dug up a variety of objects and strategically placed symbols of spirituality.
Mega-church pastor Bishop Eddie Long accused of sexual misconduct
The men were 17- and 18-year-old members of Long’s New Birth Missionary Baptist Church in Lithonia, when they say Long abused his spiritual authority to seduce them with cars, money, clothes, jewelry, international trips and access to celebrities.
Black Leaders Outraged by ‘Religious Right’ Moves to Overturn Roe v Wade
The “Religious Right” billboard campaign claiming African American children are an “endangered species” and Alveda King’s comparison of anti-abortion activists to “Freedom Riders” have sparked outrage in the African American community.
Spirituality or religion?
Many young people are taking a buffet approach to faith. They’re comfortable mixing in a variety of beliefs. “They go out into the marketplace of religious ideas and take parts of each,” he said. “It’s little bit of Jesus, a little bit of Buddha and a little bit of Hinduism.”
Love vs. Religion
Would you enter into a long-term a relationship with someone with a different or no religion? Be honest.
[Spotted On] What is the best sermon you ever heard and why?
What is the best sermon you ever heard & why? Were you transformed? Was there a witness? Do tell…