[Relationships] How to Break-Up: With Complete Instructions
… avoid answering the “WHY” questions because they are traps set up to keep you in the moment instead of moving past the moment on to better soul fulfillment.
The BlackGreek Mobile App Puts “The Yard” Right At Your Fingertips
EMQ Networks Releases The BlackGreek Mobile application for Iphone and Android
Is Keeping Cursive Writing Worth the Fight?
Is cursive a dead form of scribe? 43 States have already made it “optional” vs required.
Atlanta Alumni Going Hard for their Health
Join Alumni Wellness on Facebook: facebook.com/AlumniWellness Alumni Wellness traveled to H.E.A.T Gym in Atlanta, GA to witness a circuit training session with Rahman “Ray” Grayson, FAMU Alum. HBCU Alum, Nichelle Brown-Frazier, Joey Digital, Jada Wright, Melissa St. Joy and Reggie Harrison jumpstarted their efforts with a body-shocking day of exercise. The Trainer: www.MrShutUpAndTrain.com The Gym:…
Rahman “Ray” Grayson Says “Shut up & Train” With His 30 Day Cardio Challenge
Alumni Roundup Partners with Planet Hollywood Las Vegas
Planet Hollywood is proud to announce a HBCU partnership with Alumni Roundup to offer a special discounted room rate for students over the age of 21 and alumni of HBCUs. This offer is amazing and the first of its kind in gaming history provided by Caesar’s Entertainment.
Munson Steed Speaks on the State of HBCUs
Munson Steed, Media Mogul, CEO of Steed Media Group and Morehouse Alum was a panelist at the Atlanta Howard University Charter Day Discussion regarding the State of HBCUs.
Google is Actively Recruiting HBCU Alumni
Greetings from Google! As you may have heard, Google is hiring! 2011 is slated to be one of our most aggressive hiring years, and we are working to find top talent. Over the past few years HBCU graduates have made significant contributions to Google’s success. We are excited to continue our relationship with HBCUs and…