Michelle Obama is FLY
The First Lady is taking the White House back to the days of Camelot with her sense of fashion. We came across a few shots that drive the point home. Looking great lady…
Why Blacks have worse physical health than whites but better psychiatric health.
Study shows that African Americans use “bad” habits to prevent chronic depression.
Poverty and parasites
When we talk about tropical diseases, we tend to think of distant places like West Africa and South Asia. However, it’s crucial that we remember that they plague communities much closer to home as well.
Spirituality or religion?
Many young people are taking a buffet approach to faith. They’re comfortable mixing in a variety of beliefs. “They go out into the marketplace of religious ideas and take parts of each,” he said. “It’s little bit of Jesus, a little bit of Buddha and a little bit of Hinduism.”
Hoax or humanity 2.0: Man claims he has not eaten for 70 years
Prahlad Jani claims he gets all his sustenance from yogic meditation has no need for food or water
Discrimination at the doctor’s office
An assessment by Georgetown University researchers, found that Black women with sufficient health insurance and diagnosed with breast cancer had their treatment delayed twice as long as insured White women.
Mediterranean diet linked to brain and heart health
A new study suggests that eating lots of leafy green and cruciferous vegetables, nuts, fish, poultry and fruits (including tomatoes) is the best way to preserve the health of mind and body.
Fashion: Living on the Wedge
After a couple of years off the radar, wedges started to make their return last Spring, and for Spring 2010, the wedge is back.