Admittedly this is some silliness, but I’ll explain for the twitter illiterate:
Dylan Kenney says “If I run into Burton and Spiner (Star Trek guys) at CES (happening now in Vegas. I should have gone) I’m gonna PEE MY PANTS.”
Levar Burton (Roots, Reading Rainbow, Star Trek TNG) see’s that he’s been mentioned in a post, and knowing FULL WELL he IS going to CES WITH Spiner responds: “Awkward…”
0 responses to “The Funniest Thing I’ve seen on Twitter Today”
Yo! This is hilarious! Your man Burton doesn’t tweet that much, but when he does, it tends to be entertaining.
At least dude didn’t say he would pee his Star Fleet uniform.
FUNNY! I follow Mr. Burton but missed that one…
Man… Data (Spiner) looks nucking futs in that photo… LMAO