Urban Fiction Receives a Gem with A.D. Wright’s release of “I Live: A novel without Heroes”
I Live: A novel without heroes has the natural allure of sex, love and violence, as found in most mainstream urban fiction novels, but with a subtle twist. Available on Amazon and Barnes and Noble, the story begins with a young man in transition, both figuratively and literally, returning to his old neighborhood after spending…
AlumniRoundup at Dwight Howard’s World Cup Party
Roundup Russy & Aka Tito Caught the World Cup Championship Game with Dwight Howard & ADIDAS
Cubicle: Maintaining Office Motivation
Alumni Roundup is a unique working environment. Being our first internet based company we are constantly learning, growing and working toward being a better company. It’s a process….
Mayor Kasim Reed is Cleaning up Atlanta
Mayor Kasim Reed alongside hundreds of volunteers spend a…