Regarding desegregation, Maryland colleges pledged years ago to not create duplicate programs which would hinder the state’s HBCUs. Is this rule outdated, and in the way of public learning?
The Baltimore Sun reported:
The University System of Maryland is appealing for reconsideration by the Maryland Higher Education Commission of a decision to block an online degree program in community college administration because it might compete with an in-person program at Morgan State University
Morgan State is a historically black college and the commission cited the state’s desegregation pledges to avoid duplicate programs that might undercut its offerings. But those pledges took place before the growth in online learning, and system officials fear the decision in the case could limit future programs. The University of Maryland University College, which wanted to offer the program, is still able to do so — but not for residents of Maryland.
0 responses to “Interesting Debate Concerning MD HBCUs and Online Learning”
You can’t use mindsets from one generation to hold up progress and the new norms in another generation. The nation in general is moving to use more technology as a way of educating people across the board including no longer requiring children to sit in classrooms to get formally educated. MSU has to get their program on line and compete with the other programs.
I can’t believe that anyone is even making this an issue as competition will only make Morgan’s program stronger and for those learners that cannot attend class the On Line opportunity will open doors for that demographic.
The essence of the original ruling was to help ensure a level playing ground to make sure that “have’s” did not dominate the “have not’s”. Morgan should and any other school with an existing program should be allowed to develop an on line or whatever the next wave of continued learning progresses to- program to offer thecurriculum.
They( Morgan) have the existing major any and all forms of distributing that curriculum should remain with the existing institution in the Maryland higher education system.
When an entity competes against itself( Maryland higher education system ) it gains nothing other then weakening itself.
Patton’s point is very valid. However, the way of the world and following the trend is not always the best choice. Look at what happened with Subprime Mortgages. The few lenders who did not hop on the band wagon were not effected as much as the other Greedy Conglomerates.
Morgan has to do what it thinks is best for its institution. That may mean that it will lose some of its perks/benefits & everyone may not agree with their decisions. But in the end, the its mission/goals would have been accomplished, regardless of the backlash.
Just a thougt.
HD Watts
Totally agree with Patton.. Morgan should compete and figure out a way to offer it online..
On line courses can be accessed from anywhere in the country or world so Maryland is not necessarily assisting Morgan State. There is value in providing an in person solution but that does not work for everyone. The trend throughout the country is an increase in on line training. I also concur with the comments already posted on the value of competition and how it makes us all better. The consumer will determine what’s best for them and seek the appropriate provider based on a multitude of factors.
I admonish Morgan State and other HBCUs to get on board with the well established practice in higher education of providing online and/or hybrid courses and programs. Our students’ needs, expectations and, indeed, choices have expanded. Respond accordingly and stay competitive.
Clearly we are living in a different era from when the pledge was made. At that time no one had the ability to “Look down the road” and see the coming of the technology that we enjoy today. However, that pledge was made for a reason, and the reason was to facilitate a method to help correct some of the disparities that had been inflicted upon Morgan. Nevertheless, even though it is important to remember the lessons of the past we, as a people, must agree that the time has come to move forward in a manner that provides for the “Better good” of all involved and affected. Therefore, since you sometimes must give a little to gain a lot, it would be my pleasure that Morgan, with committed state assistance, strongly consider moving forward in being a part of a viable statewide on-line system.
“It’s been a long time coming and I know, change going to come”
I think Morgan should embrace the idea of online programs. There are a number of alumni outside the state of Maryland would love to take a graduate program to obtain their master degree. The school needs to take a survey and obtain how many alumni take online classes that work.