Today, March 2, marks the 144th Anniversary of the Charter which established Howard University. Happy Charter Day Howard. Here are a few shots from your recent birthday party.
In November 1866, a theological seminary for the education of African-American clergymen was established and within two years, the University consisted of the colleges of Liberal Arts and Medicine. The new institution was named for General Oliver O. Howard, a Civil War hero who was both a founder of the University and, at the same time, commissioner of the Freedman’s Bureau. The Howard University charter, as enacted during the last session of the 39th Congress was subsequently approved by President Andrew Johnson on March 2, 1867.
144 years later, Howard University continues to be a dynamic and diverse institution with a legacy of courageous leadership and quality education. I am part of that legacy and every year a remarkable group of students joins our diverse body of scholars and begins to enjoy the Howard experience. Our alma mater continues to be the “Mecca” for intellectually stimulating and cultivating the best and the brightest students. To that end, Howard University alumni continue to be at the forefront in the areas of entertainment, medicine, education, business, science, politics and much more. Each year, as I step on to campus; rich with tradition and culture; I hum “I’m so glad, I went to Howard U”!! On this Charter Day, I charge each of you to remember your days at Howard University; not only with a fond smile, but with a renewed commitment to remain connected to and support our beloved institution.
Kristen M. Clark ’91
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These are photos from President Obama’s visit at Howard University’s Opening Convocation in Fall 2007. Governor Deval Patrick delivered the Charter Day Address in Spring 2008.