Support your local CSAs
Community Supported Agricultures. Over the last 20 years, Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) has become a popular way for consumers to buy local, seasonal food directly from a farmer. Here are the basics: a farmer offers a certain number of “shares” to the public. Typically the share consists of a box of vegetables, but other farm…
Naturally Dyed Easter Eggs
I saw these beautiful naturally dyed Easter Eggs over at apartmenttherapy.com and had to share! Naturally Dyed Easter Eggs Hard Boiled Eggs, room temperature, or white and brown eggs, preferably not super-fresh 1 tablespoon white vinegar per cup of strained dye liquid Purple Cabbage (makes blue on white eggs, green on brown eggs) Red Onion…
Atlanta’s Urban Farming Movement
On a plot of soil, nestled against the backdrop of skyscrapers in downtown Atlanta, Georgia, a group of residents are turning a lack of access to fresh produce into a revival of old traditions and self-empowerment. HABESHA Gardens is one of many urban gardens sprouting up around the country. Fruits and vegetables are thriving in…
Green Products, Fuel Efficient Cars and Snack Wraps
Do major companies really care about the environment and your health?