Minister Farrakhan on Sen. Obama
Check out Minister Farrakhan’s Saviour’s Day comments on Black Leadership, and Barack Obama. What is key is the fact that his church has been to taught to recognize their own self-interest. Outstanding.
The Big “What If?”
Could there be a downside for Blacks if Obama is elected?
Jesse Jackson: All on Obama’s… Well Watch for Yourself!
Why is Jesse talking about castrating this man on national TV?!??! That’s it for the Black cat in the hat, nursery rhyme riddling Jackson. Its time for him to sit down somewhere.
The Rebuttal: “Bill Cosby’s folly” Or “Chet Kincaid? Meet Bill Duke”
Educator and Roundup commentator Maurice Dolberry presents another view on Bill Cosby’s Black America Tirade. We’re interested to hear what he has to say about Obama’s Father’s day message next.
?uestlove’s Issues in line with Obama’s Politics
?uest: “These are MY reasons for voting Obama.” What are yours?
Obama Heads the Democratic Ticket!
Barack Obama: Almost There!!
Who’s the Ninja* Now? America’s Hidden Ignorance
The truth that Black American’s are not the only “N-words” in America, just doesn’t fit the alibi.