Who is Responsible for the Rise in Childhood Obesity?
African-Americans saw 1.4 to 1.6 times more food ads than white children — fast food in particular. “African-American children and teens had more than double the rate of increase in exposure to fast-food ads compared with their white counterparts.
Entire School System Fired Due to Poor Scores
School Gets Low Scores and Teachers Get Canned
Choosing the Right School for Your Child Part 5: Talk to People in the School Community
Mo the Educator releases the final installment in a 5-part series designed to help parents navigate the path of choosing the proper school for your child. Listen up, it’s important.
Choosing the Right School for Your Child Part 3: Qualitative vs. Qualitative Data
Mo the Educator releases installment 3 of a 5 part series designed to help parents navigate the path of choosing the proper school for your child. Listen up, it’s important.
Choosing the Right School for Your Child Part 1: Matchmaking vs. Prize-winning
Mo the Educator releases installment 1 of a 5 part series designed to help parents navigate the path of choosing the proper school for your child. Listen up, it’s important.
The Your Child Left Behind Act
The No Child Left Behind Act has encouraged some really unscrupulous and downright despicable behavior on behalf of adults that are supposed to have children’s best interests at heart. The kids are being beaten over the head with bubble-filling and mindless exercises that don’t prepare them for the rigors of high school or college.
Single black women choosing to adopt
According to CNN.com an increasing number of single Black women are choosing to adopt because they are unable to get Black men to commit. Do you think that this is a selfish reason to adopt? Read more….