Learn One of the Keys to Sticking with Any Effort
Chris Fitness of ChrisFitnessWeb.com delivers a some timely workout advice. What does it take to lose weight, or gain muscle, or simply tone up? Diet + Hard Work + Consistency + this…
How to make your Abs POP
Would you like to get your midsection back in line? Here’s how.
There are lots of ways to live healthier. Here’s one from LA Day 4
Let’s do this TOGETHER people! The running theme in all of these workout videos is YOU CAN DO IT and HAVE FUN at the same time.
Hiking for Health: LA Day 3 Part 1
Keep you feet moving family. No matter where you are there are opportunities for you to become a healthier happier YOU! Let’s do it TOGETHER!
Los Angeles Summer Staycation Day 1&2
LA was full of quality connections, new relationships and REAL PEOPLE despite what you may think. We did it small, low key, but it was a REAL as it gets.
Fitness is a Family Thing!
Personal Trainer Chris Fitness posted this message for you regarding the Alumni Fitness Challenge.
Get Your Rest!
Fitness trainer Chris Fitness came through Roundup Radio again this week to deliver his fitness tip of the week. Check out the latest gem, and come meet him live in Miami for Roundup Rendezvous June 25-28.