[Photos] Obama Victory Night Behind the Scenes
See behind the Obama family election night behind the scenes photos.
[Discussion] Black Masculinity: Barack and Curtis
A doc on black masculinity and the roots and results of the archetypes.
[Swipe] Slaughter the Pig
“Team Obama needs to break out the knives and start rolling in the mud, too.”
Please Respect Mr. Obama; Utilize the Q & A Session
Chant “Yes We Can” With Me. Tell the Others to be Courteous
Is THIS what we call support?
Why McCain Doesn’t HAVE TO campaign on anything BUT anti-Obama. People SIT DOWN, and leave the campaigning to the professionals PLEASE!
Minister Farrakhan on Sen. Obama
Check out Minister Farrakhan’s Saviour’s Day comments on Black Leadership, and Barack Obama. What is key is the fact that his church has been to taught to recognize their own self-interest. Outstanding.
Jesse Jackson: All on Obama’s… Well Watch for Yourself!
Why is Jesse talking about castrating this man on national TV?!??! That’s it for the Black cat in the hat, nursery rhyme riddling Jackson. Its time for him to sit down somewhere.