People on the Move Damien the Sauce Boss
My Name is… Clarence Damien Noble The reason you are reading about me is… I am known in the industry as The Sauce Boss, I have over 30 years of experience in this business. In 1991 I introduced my first BBQ sauce on the market Damien’s original sauce, and a several years later came The…
Lauren the Cute Cook is On the Move
My Name is… Lauren Cooper, The Cute Cook The reason you are reading about me is… Because I believe that cooking can be fast, easy, and fun. I’m here to show you how to do it and still KEEP IT CUTE.
Stephanie Humphrey is On the Move
My Name is… Stephanie Humphrey The reason you are reading about me is… I’ve done what very few people get the chance or have the courage to do – left my “good” job to blaze a new path in line with my true passions. I’m a former engineer who made a ridiculously exciting and scary…
Mitch Brooks is On the Move
My Name is… Mitch Brooks. You are reading about me because… 1) I co-founded and currently run a business called the Urbane Lifestyle & Entertainment Group that hosts special events and parties, and which operates in four major national markets, and 2) because number one is not my day job.
Jemal Gibson is On the Move
I was born to drug addicted parents in a world engulfed in drugs, death and destruction, but I managed to make it out of that environment with the same element that cursed me for much of my life.
[Book] The Almighty Black P Stone Nation: The Rise, Fall and Resurgence of an American Gang
ARU asks author Natalie Y. Moore about the motivations behind her latest book, “The Almighty Black P Stone Nation: The Rise, Fall and Resurgence of an American Gang.”
Dr. Pinkett & Dr. Robinson on “Black Faces in White Places”
Dr. Randal Pinkett & Dr. Jeffrey A. Robinson, authors of “Black Faces in White Places”, share priceless business insight.
La’Shanda Holmes featured on NBC
La’Shanda Holmes, the first black female copter pilot in the US Coast guard, and Alum of Spelman College, was featured on NBC during Black History Month.