Editorial: Do we have the wherewithal to respond to injustice?
By Be Moore In 1991, Howard University rested squarely in the hood. Now, the university hasn’t MOVED, but think of the hood as a sort of tide that rises and encompasses areas, and other times recedes, leaving traces like flopping fish on the ground after a tidal wave. We we’re under water. Along with hood,…
Foul play suspecting in police shooting of African American Pace University football star
“They shot me, they shot me, they shot me,” Danroy Henry whispered as cops hauled him from the car and cuffed him on the street, pal Brandon Cox said.
Unarmed Black CEO shot by police during sex sweep in Newark park
Atlanta CEO fatally shot in Newark park by Essex sheriff’s detective was visiting N.J. for reunion
Possibly the most effective 34 seconds political ad ever.
Aspiring Attorney General Ken Hodges served as special prosecutor in the 2003 shooting death of a Muscogee County black man, Kenneth Walker, by a white sheriff’s deputy, David Glisson.
Excessive force? Seattle police officer throws a punch to subdue a female jaywalker
Was this an example of excessive force or an out of control teen?
Ex-Chicago Police Lt. Accused of Torturing More Than 100 African-American Men
In total, more than 100 people in Chicago say they were subjected to abuse including having guns forced into their mouths, suffocation with bags places over their heads, and electric shocks inflicted to their genitals
Who will police the Police?
Five police officers were fired after they were caught on videotape beating a suspect following a high speed chase.