[5 babies and 3 baby-daddies] Sadika: The Story of the Serial Baby-Momma
Delve into the mind of the “Serial Baby -Mommas”: the women that continually have children out of wedlock, with several men, with no marriage present or any where in sight.
Black America Allows the CDC to Stack Herpes Numbers: The Truth Behind the “Statistics”
Reports say that 48% of Black women have herpes, 46% of Black women have a net worth of $5, and 70% of Black women can’t get a man… But are these reports accurate? Further research proves that they are not.
Dear Black Man, I want AND need you…
“I will love you Black Man, no matter what they tell me. I know what I want and need. I want and need, you, Black Man- contrary to popular belief.”
Selling Yourself Cheaper than a $1 Menu Whopper Jr.
Richelle Ransom (AKA TripppleR for you twitter users) shares an interesting piece correlating food and love. You are what you eat…