Author: aruadmin

  • Teaching kids the value of money

    Teaching kids the value of money

    Teaching kids the value of money is important, but making them earn their money is even more important. Money gives kids decision making opportunities and teaches them not to be wasteful. Childhood chores provides kids with an appreciation for the things that they have, a sense of accomplishment for the things that they have achieved,…

  • You Can Do It!

    You Can Do It!

    With cancer and disease running ram pet these days, it is so important to get up, get out and do something! Walk 30 minutes a day, drink twice as much water than you do now,  cut your sugar intake in half, or just increase the number of fruits and vegetables you eat everyday.   We…

  • Decluttering your home

    Decluttering your home

    Getting rid of the clutter in your home or room is pretty simple, it just takes time. The most important things to remember when declutting is (1) do one room at a time, (2) take your time and (3) if you have not used it or looked for it in a year, toss it! Kids…

  • The Workforce Post Graduation

    The Workforce Post Graduation

    Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into…

  • Happy Baby…Happy Couple? What men aren’t talking about…

    Happy Baby…Happy Couple? What men aren’t talking about…

    It’s been weeks since your delivery and yes, everyone’s happy about the delivery of the new born baby!  But daddy wants his wife back. However, we as new mothers are struggling to keep the house clean, keep dinner on the table, prepare breakfast half asleep, juggle household schedules, get the kids hair combed, daily lunches…

  • Great Kitchen Organizing Tips

    Great Kitchen Organizing Tips

    Organizing your kitchen will help you to find more space in your kitchen. Use some of these tips to help you free up space in your kitchen: (1) Mount a knife strip on the wall (2) Multi-task: use a butcher block island as a cutting board and use shelves below for extra storage. (3) Use…

  • How You Can Avoid The Seven Year Itch…

    How You Can Avoid The Seven Year Itch…

    Ive been with my husband for 15 years and married to him for 9 of them. I don’t pretend to know what makes a perfect marriage, actually I don’t that a perfect marriage exists. But I do know that we have spent the last 9 years together 24/7 and we still like each other! I…

  • Social Networking safe for kids?

    Social Networking safe for kids?

    My son is 10 and wants to join Facebook. He tells me all of his friends have Facebook, so why can’t he? How do you allow your children the freedom to grow and become more social while still protecting them from unknown online predators? Or better yet becoming prey to a lifestyle of social ineptitude.…