Locker Room: Perspiration and Inspiration
Look within and find Serena with nothing but a red lipstick smile staring back at you?
Atlanta’s Urban Farming Movement
On a plot of soil, nestled against the backdrop of skyscrapers in downtown Atlanta, Georgia, a group of residents are turning a lack of access to fresh produce into a revival of old traditions and self-empowerment. HABESHA Gardens is one of many urban gardens sprouting up around the country. Fruits and vegetables are thriving in…
The Not So Sweet Truth About Artificial Sweeteners
High fructose corn syrup and aspartame are common sweeteners found in almost every processed food in your local supermarket. Learn what they are, where they are, and what effects they have on your body. Are they in your kitchen?
Green Products, Fuel Efficient Cars and Snack Wraps
Do major companies really care about the environment and your health?
Legalize It?
Is the best way to control use of illegal drugs to make them legal?
Healthy Movies?
Do images of exercise and healthy eating in tv shows and movies affect your lifestyle?
Good Habits Die Easy
Can you get the weight off and keep it off?
Staying Young Naturally
5 Ways to manage the body’s aging process.